Truth or Dare wheel

Pick Name
{{ wheel.selectedItem }}
  • {{ result }}
  • {{ truthWheel.selectedItem }}
  • {{ result }}
  • {{ dareWheel.selectedItem }}
  • {{ result }}
  • What is Truth or Dare?

    The "Truth or Dare" online tool is an interactive web-based game that allows players to engage in the classic party game "Truth or Dare" over the internet. This tool offers a variety of truth questions and dare challenges that can be selected by players or generated randomly, adding fun to online gatherings. It also supports custom questions for a more personalized game experience.

    What is the Truth or Dare wheel?

    The 'Truth or Dare wheel' is a virtual wheel that we can use to randomly select challenges for 'Truth' or 'Dare'. Players can play online with friends, adding a fun element to parties or social events. This tool typically allows users to customize and add their own questions and challenges, making the game more engaging and exciting.

    How to Play Truth or Dare

    Truth or Dare offers a variety of gameplay methods for endless fun.

    Featuring three wheels that can spin separately or all at once, the game ensures that each choice is left to chance.

    Here's how to play the timeless Truth or Dare:

    1. Enter the names of all players in the first wheel.
    2. Spin the first wheel to randomly select a player.
    3. Spin the second wheel to receive a random truth question.
    4. If a player decides to answer the truth question, allow them to proceed.
    5. Should a player opt out of the truth question, the third wheel will determine a dare for them. To keep the game going, cycle back to step 2 and continue until the game concludes.

    Alternatively, you may wish to decide the order of players for Truth or Dare differently, such as having the previous player choose the next. This can be done by spinning the first wheel at the game's start to determine who begins, and then using only the second and third wheels thereafter.

    Another gameplay variation you might enjoy involves removing questions (or players) from the wheels after each turn.
